Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So I did not realize until I began editing this picture, that I had a Mickey mouse with an acorn squash head and baby watermelon ears! My mother-in-law has been wanting a watermelon so bad, however no one in my family eats as much as we used too so we ended up purchasing several little "sweet-babies". They were actually pretty tasty. I haven't been doing a lot of cooking this week, rather enjoying some stuff I had fixed up Saturday. Potato salad, smothered okra with rice, no bake peanut butter-chocolate-oatmeal cookies, etc. I plan on attempting some cooking/baking over the next few days.

1 comment:

Bianca said...

I love those baby melons! They're so much sweeter and usually seedless. I bought one of those pattypan squash at the market last week too!