Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Like to 'Y'am it Up!

Of course being from the south, I do enjoy my yams/sweet potatoes. I like them baked, broiled, mashed, roasted. Pretty much anyway I can get them. Joey is not enamored of these delicious darlings at all, so I am on my own when I prepare them.

Most people use nasty marshmallows, but I have NEVER liked marshmallows at all. My favorite way is pictured below: Pineapple-baked sweet potatoes. There is really no point in writing the recipe, seeing as it's only the potatoes mashed with brown sugar, pineapple, cinnamon and margarine. But so yummy!!

1 comment:

jessy said...

i never would have thought to put pineapple with sweet potatoes. sounds too damn awesome not to try! :) superw00t!