Friday, August 8, 2008

Blinded By The Light

Of my refrigerator that is!! Okay, so a bad play on words. Anyhow. After a fairly busy and long week, I was greatly looking forward to the monthly Food Awareness meeting tonight. However, it was not meant to be. Sadly my husband received a phone call about a half an hour before we were due to leave, one of his fellow employees had a bad car accident earlier this week(Thank God he was not injured worse than he was), and had been expected to return this eve. To make a long story short, he wasn't recovered enough to come in tonight.

So instead of going to the meeting, I ended up spending the evening cleaning and baking. Which my refrigerator thanks me for now. My house is almost done, the laundry is caught up and I have a batch of muffins cooling in the kitchen! Whew!

I had my heart set on a falaffel from Pita Wraps in Memphis tonight, and didn't get to fulfill that need. And really had not planned on cooking tonight, so I found myself, literally, standing in the kitchen looking for something to throw together. Now in the past, I have had the worst experiences with pasta salads. I completely swore them off about 9 years ago, when I had one that was drowned in mayonnaise. Something had me wanting some tonight though. So I dug around and came up with concoction above. It was really simple, and once I put it on paper, I will post it here. It consisted of whole wheat pasta, tomatoes and black olives. With a really simple vinaigrette.


jessy said...

that looks like one helluva tasty pasta salad! i'll be checking back for the recipe - 'cause it look so freak'n yummah! :) and let us know how those muffins turn out, too!

Bianca said... I've got that "wrapped up like a douche into the middle of the night" line in my head. I know, they don't really say douche, but that's what it sounds like. And it's funnier that way.

As for Pita Wraps, since I missed too, it sounds like we've got a Pita Wrap date soon. I mentioned to Steph that I wanted to meet up later to make up for missed wraps. She agreed. So maybe we should do that next week or something maybe.