Thursday, August 14, 2008

Soup's on

For reasons unknown to me, my stomach has been on a turbulent twisting roller coaster ride this past week. Due to that wonderful ride I have been unable to tolerate much of anything in the way of food. Having grown weary of store-bought vegan soups, I decided to make my own. It began as a Minestrone and turned into a macaroni-minestrone-vegetable soup. It is loaded with carrots, potatoes, sweet peas, green beans, diced tomatoes, garbanzo beans, and macaroni. It is seasoned with oregano, parsley, basil, garlic, onion, salt and pepper. I was really aiming for a minestrone, but quickly discovered I was missing the correct pasta and the needed beans. I was also completely out of corn. This turned out so incredibly good, that I will definitely be making this quite often over the coming winter. Though I do think I should invite everyone I know over when I do recreate this meal, this made so much soup. I froze most of it so I no longer have to rely on nasty canned vegan soups.

Feeling slightly better after consuming some hot soup, I decided to experiment with some of the blueberries that were left from last weeks farmer's market. I have been playing around with a muffin/coffee cake recipe, very similar to the banana chocolate chip muffins that I posted last week. It is a basic muffin recipe with a coffee cake topping and some toasted slivered almonds to add some depth to the flavor. I will post an inside soon.


VeganCowGirl said...

So sorry that your tummy has been giving you trouble.....

The coffee cake looks great!

Bianca said...

Yum! Veggie soup! I've been meaning to make a good soup with this awesome summer produce at the market right now.